Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Clifford's Tower

Clifford's Tower -- 5 X 7 quick sketch in acrylic

The ruins of this medieval castle reside perched atop a motte in York, England.  The city itself remains surrounded by protective walls dating back hundreds of years.  These fortifications, scattered across the British landscape, seem to cry out the centuries-old stories of conflict, bloodshed, and loss. 

Although the days of pillaging the neighboring village are mostly relegated to the pages of history, there still exists a reflection of ourselves in this ancient architecture.  In various ways, we tend to construct "walls" around our own existence--walls that attempt to protect that which is mine while keeping out those other than myself.

What if we were to allow those walls to crumble?  Am I willing to let others into my world, to expose my story, to reveal my values, or even my weaknesses?  Am I willing to go beyond my own comfortable walls and listen to the story of another, or to meet a need at the expense of my own convenience?  To truly love our neighbor requires risk, but a risk worth taking!